“Does Your Pancake Mix Contain An Aluminum Additive That Lowers Your Blood Testosterone?”
Opinion - Outspoken (Liberty Lifestyle Edition) - Dr. Naomi Wolf
A note from Dr. Naomi Wolf:
“To my horror, I found Sodium Aluminum Phosphate in the baking mix in our pantry. I looked into this additive, which is commonly added to commercial baked goods such as pizza, fast food buns, frozen or processed cookies, cakes and muffins, baking powder, and also processed cheeses. It is far from harmless! It turns out that peer-reviewed studies show that it causes brain inflammation that can lead to Parkinson’s and other dementias; and that it accumulates in the fetus and placenta when pregnant rats ingest it; and that it accumulates in the testes of male rats and mice who ingest it. From there, it damages sperm and lowers blood testosterone. Sperm, of course, have to be healthy and abundant for men to be fertile; and blood testosterone directly affects male libido, and affects other expressions of masculinity. Aluminum in the atmosphere from solar radiation management; aluminum in vaccines; aluminum is now in our food supply, and for sure in the processed foods such as frozen pizza, that our kids are being given in school lunches. Aluminum attacks our sex drive, fertility, and intelligence. What could go wrong? And why is this happening?”
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Why not make your own pancakes? No "mix" is needed
Well spotted. Which bright spark thought putting a neurotoxin in pancakes was a good idea? WHO could possibly be responsible?