Outspoken: "Amy Kelly/ DailyClout Reveal Canadian Reproductive Damage Crisis Post-2021"
Dr. Naomi Wolf - Opinion
Amy Kelly, DailyClout's COO and the Director of the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project, reveals a stunning analysis she completed of six million individual records belonging to Ontario citizens. The dataset is from the Canadian government, FOIA'd by two Canadian citizens; it represents medical billing codes from the socialized medical system in Canada. Kelly's analysis of the years 2015-2019 versus 2021-2022, reveal catastrophic damage to Canadian men and women in categories related to reproductive wellbeing: rises in women with menstrual disorders and post-menopausal bleeding, and "genital disorders"; rises in miscarriage and partial abortion; damage to sperm; and rises in infertility. This is the first government dataset that provides a comprehensive "smoking gun" revealing that harms to reproduction followed the rollout in 2021 of the mRNA injection.
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The infertility is not just the recent MRNA shots. It is also from all the shots given since they were hours old. It the HPV shots. It the flouride in the water that disrupts the endocrine system. It's the highly processed foods.
My son got two COVID jabs behind my back. Coincidentally , I started spontaneously bleeding the day of his first jab. It continued on for two months , we t to gyno and was immediately referred to MD Anderson , on the discovery of a mass that had twisted my uterus so that they couldn't do exam.
I ended up having a 4.17 lb clear fluid filled cyst wrapped all thru my intestines, and " strange white streaks all over my uterus, that she had never seen before" . Unfortunately they did a total hysterectomy to be sure , no cancer was found , and I was immediately thrown into menopause again.
I was 62.