From Dr. Naomi Wolf: "I returned to my Alma Mater, Yale University, for my class' 40th reunion. On the way I reflected on how Yale punishes those who step outside of its strictures, as I did in reporting on my having been molested at 19 by Dr. Harold Bloom, and as I did as well recently when I tried to warn Yale students about the risks of the 'bivalent booster'.
In this podcast, I also reflect on how intelligent, decent, and educated people inside the worlds of the 'elite', can be seduced as well as intimidated, by the sense of meaning that comes with consensus and belonging."
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Kirk Elliott Precious Metals:
Beautiful description of your homecoming to your Alma mater though, in spite of every disappointment. One could well get the pleasant feeling of togetherness per se and thus also understand why most people would not leave it by free will. Usually it would take some dropping out briskly, by sickness, accident or the like. But very few would reason their way out of a pleasant surrounding once you are in it, or even your parents put you in it. Good read, will look it up again!