Outspoken: "Hero Obstetrician Dr James Thorp Exposes New Health Threats to Women" [Sponsored]
Dr. Naomi Wolf - Opinion
Dr James Thorp is one of a small group of OB/Gyns who have spoken out against the damage to moms and babies, via the mRNA injection. Dr Thorp revealed to Dr Wolf, some months ago, terrifying sonograms that showed damage to placentas from lipid nanoparticles in the mRNA injections. He and his wife, Maggie Thorp, a lawyer, also revealed via FOIAs, the money flow of millions from the US government and pharma, to heads of professional organizations overseeing medical licenses -- so long as the doctors they oversee, including obstetricians, stay one script. If the doctors warn their patients about side effects from mRNA injections, the millions must be repaid. In this interview, Dr Thorp and Dr Wolf go deeply into the risk to childbearing-age women of hormone-based contraceptives, given the clotting side effects of mRNA injections; hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women also pose risks to vaccinated women, the two reveal, given the hormonally disruptive nature of the mRNA injections. Important information for women of all ages.
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the area of fertility was the high goal of the injections, was it not? And the depopulation goal is the highest of them all as pronounced by the WEF, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, is it not? So who can be surprised by these findings, only corroborating the miserable state of today`s world? That is if we do not get our act together and start fighting of course!