Outspoken: "Is Dandelion a Useless Weed or an Anti-Cancer Miracle Worker?"
Dr. Naomi Wolf - Opinion
We all know that dandelion tea is beneficial, though for most of us, the specifics are vague. At the same time, the last few decades have seen what can only be described as a hate campaign against dandelions, casting them as scourges of a perfect lawn.
"Organic Life" websites concede that dandelion has some benefits, including protecting skin from UVB damage, easing GI symptoms of many kinds, and fighting inflammation.
But a few clicks into the NIH peer-reviewed studies database, shows that dandelion extract -- flower, leaves and roots -- has extraordinary healing powers documented by peer-reviewed studie -- the information about which has been marginalized or suppressed in our culture. Not only does the extract heal precancerous damage to skin from the sun (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4630464/) but GI conditions, including serious ones such as ulcers, heal and even resolve: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35405251/.
Most stunningly, dandelion root extract was shown to kill more than 90 per cent of the colorectal cancer cells "in vitro" (in the lab) and more than 95 per cent of the cancerous tumors in vivo -- in mice: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5341965/
Another massive secret to our healing, that the toxic combination of Big Pharma, Big Science and Big Media have sought to suppress.
Dr Wolf in this video, shows how to harvest, dry and use dandelions.
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Kirk Elliott Precious Metals
35 years ago I started seeing a home/naturopath. I was 24. Had been heavily medicated for severe athsma and as a result suffered from Irritable bowel syndrome and fibromyalgia. The first thing she did was food sensitivity testing and sent me home with a list of foods to avoid and DANDELION extract. My liver was sluggish. It is a liver cleanser. But very bitter! North Americans do not have any bitter veggies in their diet. It’s a shame.
The fibromyalgia cleared, the IBS disappeared then finally the asthma.
Seeing a true health care professional means they feel like they have failed if you get too ill.
What we have now is a disease management system. As of Covid it is an increase the harm increase the profit system. Plant medicine, ayurvedic, Traditional Chinese medicine. All use dandelion.
Makes great wine also.
Awesome information. Thank you for speaking up to help people live free and healthy!!!!