“U.S. and Iran are Getting Closer and Closer to War”
Opinion - The Breanna Morello Show - Breanna Morello
Breanna Morello is a former Fox Corp, Newsmax, local news, MLB producer. She has also spent several years reporting on the issues that matter most. After Fox Corp threatened to put Morello on unpaid leave for not getting the Covid jab, she left the corporate media world and made her way into independent journalism.
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Call me paranoid but at around the 16-minute mark on this video I am seeing the introduction of the idea into listeners heads that Iran is setting up to attack the US inside our borders. 1. This is the same crap that preceded other programs to gin up support for a war we don't want, don't need, and cannot possibly afford. 2. We are aware that the open border allows for a narrative that bad actors are in our space. Many worry that a multi-pronged attack on US soil is in the offing. Any story can be woven from that attack, including false ones that serve to rile US citizens into another self-destructive war. Are we being set up? 3. Has anyone NOT noticed that almost from day one after Oct. 7 Iran has been the repeated focus of the war machine? Anyone remember the 'Project For a New American Century' from the 1990'sf? Who is left on their list of countries to invade? Iran. Remember John McCain's off the cuff quote: "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran"? Nobody sees this, how the 'regime' is salivating for a war with Iran? I have never heard of this Anni Cyrus. Why does she strike me as being there to gin for the war machine? What she says is not matching what I am getting from other sources. No offense to Anni, but I have suspicions. Those who read this, I invite you to try answering a few questions... What is the purpose of a war with Iran? Peace? Stability? A better Iran? A better world? Happy people... anywhere? Prosperity? I ask again: What will come of this war? Will Israel be safer? Will we have less terrorism or terrorists? Will it benefit YOU in any way? Will you go broke? Will you have a better future? Will the US gain respect in the world? Will we become stronger? Do you personally want to lash out at Iran? If so, do you know why you feel that way? Have you investigated it? Have you heard from any Iranians NOT living in the US? Do we have verification that Iran is gearing up for war with us? Let's ask the same questions from a different angle: Why would they want to do that? What would they gain? A better future? Prosperity? Peace? Control? Do they think they can win? If so, then what? Are they taking over something somewhere that they want... that they can win? Or is winning simply surviving the conflict. If so, how does that make sense? More questions for anyone interested: Will the US collapse from this conflict? How about our dollar? Will it be rejected as the world's reserve currency? What effect will the cost of this war have on the US economy? I am old enough to remember when the Bush admin. crushed the reputation of one of their own economists when he spoke out about the cost of the Iraq war. Officials were saying it would cost about 1 Billion. He was saying it would be a minimum of hundreds of billions (The Bush crew did NOT like that message!) It cost the US 11 Trillion. Are we ready for more trillions spent on a war we have no need for? Can we print our way out of those costs? These are just the 'practical' questions, never mind the ethics of starting wars, the moral depravity of the business of blowing arms off of little children, killing expectant mothers, poisoning vast swathes of the earth, and all the other horrors that our 'leaders' are profiting from. And what of the spiritual depravity of killing? Does this express our 'better angels'? To all who read this: DO YOU WANT MORE WAR?? If your answer is 'yes' won't you please sign yourself up to fight it, to pay for it, and get extra insurance to pay for your funeral, your disabilities, your future homelessness? The rest of us will be struggling to sort out the mess in the aftermath.