The roots of our malaise lie elsewhere. Most Christianity, being morally immature and spiritually shallow, suffers from susceptibilities which led inevitably to corruption of our checks and balances. These (checks & balances) must be upheld not only in law and constitition, but in the character of those entrusted with their defence.
Mao was trained by Stalin and Stalin trained by the jesuits, the originators of communism first in Paraguay. 1600's. History is changed, scrubbed, revised etc. The papacy is involved because this is the seat of the Antichrist and has been from the beginning, exposed in the beginning of the Reformation.
Political Correctness, that is the silencing tactic of the commies and Saul Alinsky. First used in Soviet Union by Stalin who was jesuit trained. He murdered those who disagreed which stopped all discussions/opinions.
Please read the book, Codeword Barbelon, volume1, by PD Stuart for the complete history of the evil takeover of the world and the origins of what you speak, all aligning with the prophecies of the bible and the identification of those evil men. The history goes much further back than people are looking at and so they miss the actual man of sin [the Antichrist] who devours this world ....and sits on the throne in Rome. The origins started earlier and this book exposes it and those evil men who created the torture devices of the Dark Ages and REformation. In fact, right now the man of sin on the throne in Rome belongs to this group. [2Thessaalonians2]
The roots of our malaise lie elsewhere. Most Christianity, being morally immature and spiritually shallow, suffers from susceptibilities which led inevitably to corruption of our checks and balances. These (checks & balances) must be upheld not only in law and constitition, but in the character of those entrusted with their defence.
Mao was trained by Stalin and Stalin trained by the jesuits, the originators of communism first in Paraguay. 1600's. History is changed, scrubbed, revised etc. The papacy is involved because this is the seat of the Antichrist and has been from the beginning, exposed in the beginning of the Reformation.
Read Edmond Paris if you can find his books, educating yourself on the history which has been scrubbed or hidden.
Political Correctness, that is the silencing tactic of the commies and Saul Alinsky. First used in Soviet Union by Stalin who was jesuit trained. He murdered those who disagreed which stopped all discussions/opinions.
Please read the book, Codeword Barbelon, volume1, by PD Stuart for the complete history of the evil takeover of the world and the origins of what you speak, all aligning with the prophecies of the bible and the identification of those evil men. The history goes much further back than people are looking at and so they miss the actual man of sin [the Antichrist] who devours this world ....and sits on the throne in Rome. The origins started earlier and this book exposes it and those evil men who created the torture devices of the Dark Ages and REformation. In fact, right now the man of sin on the throne in Rome belongs to this group. [2Thessaalonians2]