Corporate capture of the federal government, e.g. by the "medical-industrial establishment," has become one of the greatest threats to our freedoms. A huge part of the financing of that has come from Big Pharma's enormous profits from conventional vaccines, starting with the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) which relieved the vaccine manufacturer's of any liability for the harms, including death, caused by their faulty products. I doubt well see the NCVIA revoked by the feds anytime soon, regardless of who wins this year's elections. Fortunately, however, there is still a lot that can be done at the state level through variations on the theme of what is called "nullification" whereby individual states can tell the feds to take any of their laws that are not truly constitutional (like the NCVIA) and shove them where the sun don't shine. For example, they could restore full liability for vaccine injuries to any doctor or other healthcare service provider who administers any vaccine without written proof of truly *informed* consent. That would no doubt at least put a huge dent in the number of vaccines administered in that state, and thus of Big Pharma's profits. Since the Daily Clout can engage in direct political action, it seems to me like it would be ideally suited to help activists in any state (like Florida) to promote some sort of nullify-the-NCVIA legislation within their own state.

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