Yes agree. What you are describing is the way I grew up in the little farming community in Mississippi. My father was always politically outspoken and involved in local politics. He could get in to "discussions" and or "arguments" about issues with a friend but still go away from the discussion agreeing to disagree with friendship intact. We should be able to have debate about issues without name calling and being ugly to one another.
I'm a life-long conservative. However, I have family and friends who are not. I talk to my tenants (I'm a landlord) about political issues. Most do not align with my affiliation, but we can have a conversation and not do any name calling. If people really sit down and discuss issues, we all want the same core things. We have to get back to the basic face to face conversations with local neighbors and friends to start political change at the local level.
Currently I think I'm a Trump supporter. I need much more clarification as to why he still thinks OWS is a success. I certainly don't think it was a success. Well if OWS success is defined as an eye-opening event that showed large numbers of people that we have tyrants running the USA and the world who are attempting to create a One World Government via the WHO and are attenpting to reduce the world population via International Health Treaties, then I might agree that OWS was a success. It actually did expose the criminal cartel that has been working behind the scenes for decades to accomplish their agenda.
If not, RFK Jr is currently my choice. I disagree with some of his view but as of right now I agree with him on a huge number of highly important issues. What I call everyday old school Democrats might also consider voting for him as well. The main problem is the radicalization of the Democratic party and it's current leadership. I know you are aware of that fact too. The issue on the Republican side are the RINO's who stand for nothing other than lining their own pocketbooks. They have sold out to the various "corporate complexes" whether it is the medical, military, or otherwise and do not represent the people. They are a joke.
The other issue to overcome is actually fair, honest and secure elections. I have many doubts about the security & integrity of the elections since 2018. Election is in 2020 were just a mess and there appears to be much malfeasance.
When my small community, when a tragedy struck. The whole community was there to help. Right now, we need to get as many people as we can to see that the constitution is on fire and our rights are about to be taken away. We all need to pitch in to help save and restore it to what it was intended to provide for the citizens of the USA.
Maybe some can, but given the absolutely hateful and toxic behaviour from the left and their blatant lying, cheating, violence and stealing over the last decade, I'm not sure I can.
Great article. Reading about the children brought tears to my eyes. In a perfect world there would be unity. However, uniting the left and the right would be akin to uniting Hamas and Israel. It cannot be since the left, like Hamas, seeks the destruction of the right. And with the process of time, and the election of President Trump,we see that our government is lawless, and our two party system a farce. I appeal to a higher court. 🙏🏼⚔️🇺🇸. God bless you Naomi.
While it may be possible for some everyday Democratic voters to work with
the rest of society on some issues, the real problem is the nature of today’s hardcore, radical leftist Democratic Party.
Their views, methods, and goals are completely antithetical to the workings of a constitutional republic, and the US Constitution itself.
The Democratic Party is ideologically opposed to the entire purpose of the Constitution, which was written to establish a republican form of government, ensure individual liberty, protect property rights, and limit the role of the Federal Government in the lives of its citizens.
Today’s Democratic Party is against all of these things (as are some in the Republican leadership, especially in the Senate).
And they are willing to lie, undermine elections, and use any nefarious tactic necessary to further their agenda.
I’m not sure how one is supposed to compromise or unite with people who are working for the “transformation of America” but won’t tell you what they want to “transform” it into.
But by their own history, public statements, and current actions and policies ...... I think that we can make a damn good guess.
Yes agree. What you are describing is the way I grew up in the little farming community in Mississippi. My father was always politically outspoken and involved in local politics. He could get in to "discussions" and or "arguments" about issues with a friend but still go away from the discussion agreeing to disagree with friendship intact. We should be able to have debate about issues without name calling and being ugly to one another.
I'm a life-long conservative. However, I have family and friends who are not. I talk to my tenants (I'm a landlord) about political issues. Most do not align with my affiliation, but we can have a conversation and not do any name calling. If people really sit down and discuss issues, we all want the same core things. We have to get back to the basic face to face conversations with local neighbors and friends to start political change at the local level.
Currently I think I'm a Trump supporter. I need much more clarification as to why he still thinks OWS is a success. I certainly don't think it was a success. Well if OWS success is defined as an eye-opening event that showed large numbers of people that we have tyrants running the USA and the world who are attempting to create a One World Government via the WHO and are attenpting to reduce the world population via International Health Treaties, then I might agree that OWS was a success. It actually did expose the criminal cartel that has been working behind the scenes for decades to accomplish their agenda.
If not, RFK Jr is currently my choice. I disagree with some of his view but as of right now I agree with him on a huge number of highly important issues. What I call everyday old school Democrats might also consider voting for him as well. The main problem is the radicalization of the Democratic party and it's current leadership. I know you are aware of that fact too. The issue on the Republican side are the RINO's who stand for nothing other than lining their own pocketbooks. They have sold out to the various "corporate complexes" whether it is the medical, military, or otherwise and do not represent the people. They are a joke.
The other issue to overcome is actually fair, honest and secure elections. I have many doubts about the security & integrity of the elections since 2018. Election is in 2020 were just a mess and there appears to be much malfeasance.
When my small community, when a tragedy struck. The whole community was there to help. Right now, we need to get as many people as we can to see that the constitution is on fire and our rights are about to be taken away. We all need to pitch in to help save and restore it to what it was intended to provide for the citizens of the USA.
Maybe some can, but given the absolutely hateful and toxic behaviour from the left and their blatant lying, cheating, violence and stealing over the last decade, I'm not sure I can.
Great article. Reading about the children brought tears to my eyes. In a perfect world there would be unity. However, uniting the left and the right would be akin to uniting Hamas and Israel. It cannot be since the left, like Hamas, seeks the destruction of the right. And with the process of time, and the election of President Trump,we see that our government is lawless, and our two party system a farce. I appeal to a higher court. 🙏🏼⚔️🇺🇸. God bless you Naomi.
While it may be possible for some everyday Democratic voters to work with
the rest of society on some issues, the real problem is the nature of today’s hardcore, radical leftist Democratic Party.
Their views, methods, and goals are completely antithetical to the workings of a constitutional republic, and the US Constitution itself.
The Democratic Party is ideologically opposed to the entire purpose of the Constitution, which was written to establish a republican form of government, ensure individual liberty, protect property rights, and limit the role of the Federal Government in the lives of its citizens.
Today’s Democratic Party is against all of these things (as are some in the Republican leadership, especially in the Senate).
And they are willing to lie, undermine elections, and use any nefarious tactic necessary to further their agenda.
I’m not sure how one is supposed to compromise or unite with people who are working for the “transformation of America” but won’t tell you what they want to “transform” it into.
But by their own history, public statements, and current actions and policies ...... I think that we can make a damn good guess.
No thanks.