Is Naomi Wolf available on Substack other than as podcast? I prefer to read.

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I’m having trouble finding the website. Is it energenicinstitute.org? It comes up as under construction?

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Thank you both. What you have shared regarding grounding mats is very informative. Your explanation of what is happening with AC currents explains why I became sensitive to EMF fields. After the mRNA therapies, I developed POTS. This condition also involves adrenal fatigue from the brain's response to lack of blood to the head and heart. Combine this with the micro adrenal fatigue from EMF and you get a perfect storm. Interestingly, I worked in a high WiFi intensive environment (School) 5G technology was also installed at full reception over the premises at the same time the mRNA treatments were provided and mandated. These are interesting correlations. Lastly, it would be interesting to hear you comment on pulsed electromagnetic therapy. I was provided a broken one of these mats, and repaired it (it was simply missing a fuse) and from what I have been able to learn, the technology is aiming to micmic earth's natural EMF frequency and was initially developed form the MIR space astronauts to allow them to stay in space longer with less physical deterioration. Thanks once again for you knowledge.

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