the FIRST, DO NO HARM regulatory guardrail is being substantively evaded by a corrupt complicity between captured gov. regulators and corporate manufacturers.......


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"Pfizer used a ‘shotgun approach’ to using N1-methyl pseudouridine and had no idea what the ramifications and unintended consequences of such a modification would be." -- How can you possibly say this? How do you know they "had no idea!?" YOU have NO IDEA if that is true. I don't believe it for a moment.

"Are there long-term toxicity, carcinogenicity, or pharmacological concerns with using N1-methyl pseudouridine? None of that had been studied at the time the vaccine was being created." -- Once again, how can you possibly say this when after saying it you immediately start pointing out the horrendous consequences of using it!? ... consequences that have been known for a LONG time!

All evidence, and more still coming in, points to the fact that these toxxines were NOTHING if not bioweapons, created exactly with that purpose in mind. If you don't get that, you don't get anything!

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Well, was this not what rendered two people the Nobel Prize of 2023 in Medicine or PHYSICS, that is the pseudouridine to be added supposedly doing well but in reality producing unknown, unframed proteins. So the prize went to a find that actually has done most harm in this sad story and ever.

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I'd bet it was intentional. If you look at the Deagle report from 2020 (it has been removed but you can still find it I think on the Expose) depop is expected and predicted in many countries. Uk - 70% decrease and US - 68% decrease either by or in 2025. This report is like a strategic planning report that is used by our govt. Many other European countries have very high percentages of decreases as well. Get rid of the populations that are the most likely to cause their one world system problems?

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" Pfizer decided that “no RNA or protein metabolism or excretion studies will be conducted,” and the FDA accepted this."

If the "vaccine" was the Bio-weapon, and not the virus, then you have to admit that Pfizer very likely knew what the effects of the N-1 methyl pseudouridine would be on the human body.

Pfizer not doing any RNA or protein metabolism or excretion studies would then be"plausable deniability" that Pfizer created a Bio-weapon.

I believe Pfizer knew it was creating a Bio-weapon and that was the entire reason for the Covid-19 scamdemic!

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Amy, I recommend in the future to not read a report. its really not effective communication.

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Humans pretending they are God. Supreme hubris and pride that allows man to pry open doors to attempt to improve God's sphere of creation. The Holy God will have the last laugh as more and more people die miserable deaths from this idolatry.

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