Honestly, any thinking person knew from day 1 that computerized voting was fraud-waiting-to-happen. I did an informal survey by counting signs for governor last fall... on Rte 7 from Troy to Bennington, VT it was 18-1 For Zeldin. The general count on the roads In my county - Dutchess - was 9-1 for Zeldin. Clusters of Democrat signs were missing signs for Hochul at a rate of 5-1. Given how severe the imbalance was in favor of Zeldin and that even among Democrats support was weak, how did she win? Maybe there were votes for her or maybe... computers can do magic.

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Just another cheat to get all tyrants into office. She might even be a c40.org member. From going through the website, those members sre winning everywhere. They're thr ones groomed to hate America/Americans and a threat to democracy. I hope the ones that voted for her are the ones who get locked up in her quarantine camps shes building., which have no defined terms on how long or where you can be locked up.

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Glad this is coming out, everyone thinks Mike Lindell is a nutjob, but he laid out this plan during one of his seminars, I believe at CPAC he stated about a third of the country stepped up and followed through. Though many people in many counties ran into roadblocks they weren't able to overcome, and told they didn't exist.

Good luck NY, it's way past time to take away the Selection power we've been relegated to for way too long.

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Wow, would you not have guessed! It is lika wherever you look there is fraud and malfunctions, where does all that come from? The evil itself, the origin of that must be searched metaphysically, in the myths, in history, in legends and rigtly fought on the same level? But how?

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Thank you for this interview. Both of you. X

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