It's very telling and significant that Malleret approached you for this interview, which made me curious as to his intent. And more curious that when, around 42:00 and onward, you pressed him about his trying to make his rhetoric about the great reset not sound tyrannical, to sound innocent, benign, and "reassuring" to us all about any reset--that he's trying to portray the reset as merely incidental to the fallout of any pandemic and the reset as not being some grand intentional scheme of the WEF--that he starts cutting you off, repeatedly, not letting you finish making your point about your/our concerns about apparent attempts by the WEF to control us all by their Great Reset agenda.

It's also very curious that he not only wrote but also got his book published all in only three months!!! And wasn't the timing of his book oh so curious as well?!

To me, his wanting to be on your show and how he interacts, his communication patterns, with you makes him seem like a wolf in sheep's clothing, trying to downplay the WEF's great reset plans. I'm not trusting him nor his feigned innocence with you.

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Well done. When you have blind spots, it is difficult to see reality. Maybe he did not know about the plandemic, but WHO, Gates, Fauci, and others who wanted to ensure globalist control did.

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

Quelle horreur. Yet another benighted effort from the globalust ( intentional spelling) whores to spin their prison planet agenda. Repulsive Dr. Malleret’s nonchalant predation as fiction.

Naomi, bravo in traversing the razors edge with the “esteemed” corrupted intelligence of a psychopath. Fascinating dance of light and darkness. Kudos.

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