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this is the most hairraising of all the disastrous parts of the reset, because here Mr globalist really have us stuck. When the pay rolls get hitched to the cbcd:s, in turn depending on our injective status, and the injections are or almost lethal, they really have us right where they want. Problem with all the bodies to be solved within the 15-minutes city, if not done.

But, I believe they have tried the idea out in Nigeria, which led to complete chaos. The system seems to work only in China....They have also tried the health pass in South Korea, if I am not mistaken, nor with good results. Why the obvious elite panic....in view of the rising well evidenced opinion. All the same seems like the mRNA:s and the lipoes will survive in other thus lethal drugs coming up, especially against the injektions provoked turbocancer. It is really some mess, and not possibly human constructed. That evil is beyond human reach!

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