Seems to me the fact of the world`s indebtedness, reciprocally, is not at all considered as one of the major driving forces behind the reset, in par with for instance the depopulation idea. It never gets discussed as t he marker it is for the real decadence the world has incurred into. And as it has been built into the system, by somebody, the question is begged. Why and who?

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Ursery is the root of evil.

The root families that run the world banking cartel aka club of rome are Lucifers army.

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Usury is illegal under Magna Carta 1215. Restore Magna Carta and the illegal debts can be ignored and the privately owned central banks' owners can pay off creditors with their illegally gained personal wealth. Sell their assets.

We don't need another form of bank debt but govt issued money backed by and linked to national wealth that cannot be inflated outside of very strict limits. If issued by the govt, we no longer need income tax.

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