It is a real pleasure supporting what you are doing. I wish I could do a whole lot more to help with everything you do . You are an inspiration and a warrior for truth. I really enjoy your Geneva Bible readings.

More big tech to fight big tech?. I suppose it is the only way. Sad we had to get to this point in our story, our history. Hope this guy is on the up and up and not just another personal information gathering Leviathan.

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Yet more complex technology to ease the fragmenting chaos of the present technology that's already out-of-control..??

Well, maybe...... One doesn't want to become a Luddite, after all....

But it might be more sensible to now approach 'the situation' from a wider [humanist] perspective- such as Martin Heidegger summarized in his brief 1930's overview-monogram entitled 'The Problem of Technology"..........



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