Outspoken (Liberty Lifestyle Edition): 'Turmeric: Heals Metabolic Syndrome'
Dr. Naomi Wolf-Opinion
Turmeric, a common spice used in Indian cooking, and beloved in Ayurvedic medicine, turns out to be powerfully effective in healing 'metabolic syndrome'. This condition is the accumulation of 'visceral fat' - meaning fat among the organs - and abdominal fat, that is so prevalent a condition in the West. Metabolic syndrome is linked to inflammatory conditions and heart damage. Peer-reviewed studies reveal the fact that turmeric dramatically heals this issue. Dr Wolf shares two easy recipes for adding turmeric to one's life.
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Be cautious about what parchment you're using. The basic grocery-store version has Teflon-type coating, which is also not safe. There are more natural versions.
There is not enough money in the world to get me to eat cauliflower, no matter what you put on it. Or eggplant, asparagus, broccoli. Can we not just sprinkle it on what we eat?