It takes guts to go from the obvious problems with the virus and "vaccines" to the spiritual level. There is a difference between spiritual questions and religious dogmas, that may or may not be true. Thank you, Naomi, for raising questions in this mysterious time. You are one of the few people who are speaking to this level.

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I agree, seems like an adverse advice if anything. I have also been taught in Italy and Greece, terramoto countries, that you should stand under a lintel until the moving diminishes, then run out as fast as you can. This was practiced many times....

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I fully expect an "emergency" to be declared nationwide on Election Day. My first reaction to the advice you received to stay inside was that that advice could get people killed. It would seem the best place would be an open field where nothing can fall on you and where you have innumerable places to run to safety when you feel something coming. Just because we are cynical doesn't make us wrong.

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