so the scumbag globalists CDC want to depopulate here is the answer death to all globalists and affiliates of the murderous reign of atheist communist treasonous abominations as weh, who, wef and other alphabet groups of pedophiles terrorists domestic and foreign etc.,,,, UNITE GOOD CITIZENS WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS Then you will see PROBLEM SOLVED WE DONT NEED NO STINKING new world odors vaxxxes

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so they give a student an x-rays to see if they have cavities?

then dills which weakens the tooth even more, allowing bacteria in, fills the the hole with mercury, that expands and contracts cracking the tooth, so they have to put in a crown... that hides infections , that then later have to do a root canal.... root canal fails, so have to pull the tooth.... good job school.....

oh, and x-rays cause cancer. and maybe, just maybe could have taken a supplement ahead of time to reduce the damage of the x-rays.... are these dentist offices lined with 30 inches of lead to protect other students? do the students wear indicators to see if they are exposed to too much radiation?

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