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I am so sorry to know this, as an exchange student in the 60ties I just loved the US and still do.

Lately, check Mr Chis visit in San Fran before Xmas telling Biden the US had nothing to fear from China in world dominanace. Biden called Mr Chi dictator twice, so Blinken almost fell off his chair. Now, Blinken the other day went to Chi to stop the commerce with Russia, the US sanctions pending. Chi refused, now waving off Dr Blinken as some fly (!), sanctions started, Elon turned flying to India into China and got himself a good deal for constructing EVcars. Some development on the grand scale, implying Elon against Joe and Barry.

Undoubtedly Mr X is by now the boss of the world, not so clean, and behind 1/3 of the illegals in US. So, just bewares. For that, states should maintain border rights firmly as I see it and should hurry at that. Anita Soderman, Stockholm

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