The White House is on the losing side. Everything they do is counter to this beautiful world and life that God created.

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Thank you so much for speaking today JJ. We are in a war of good against evil and I see it all around. I am truly shocked how many people either don't see it, ignore it or actually believe it's right. We have gone so far down a path towards evil. I wonder if there are enough of us to pull our country back from the edge. I am grateful for you and men like you. We need your strength. We need your conviction. And we need to hear the truth. Your voice, among others, gives me hope. You are doing God's work and we should all be grateful.

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These counterlife endeavours in every infamous respect possible tells me we have with an evil AI to do. Which is handled by one not good eit her, or straightforward devilish. So we might give that a thought through before we start up the ever forgiving helping hand....

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