Naomi, fantastic interview, and I appreciate your point about not all Muslims adhering to the doctrine or example of Mohammad. The countries which you pointed to (for example, Egypt or Morocco) are a bit more liberal (or Westernized) and therefore allow women certain freedoms. However, I think the point your guest is making is that those countries which are less liberal (Iran, Yemen, etc), do not afford women these liberties. An example would be the very recent young women in Iran trying to speak out against covering themselves, etc. they were brutally shut down- murdered actually.

You point to Judaism and Catholicism and yes, both of these religions have equally archaic texts- but it is very rare for a Jew or a Catholic to marry a child that is younger than 18 years old- because somehow Jews and Catholics understand that certain written doctrines do not supersede the laws of the countries they are living in. Whereas, apparently, even some European countries have waived their laws for recent Muslim immigrants- allowing them to stay married to minors -and that is certainly dangerous.

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Dr. Wolff says in her intro, I am very nervous about this interview. I am nervous I will say something that will elicit some kind of "security threat" for having this conversation...I have all the respect for Islam and Prophet Muhammad. The last sentence is a plea to the threat not to hurt Naomi because she respects all of Islam.

Naomi is not afraid of Elisabeth but afraid she will say something to offend Muslims and Islam and her life will potentially be in danger.

Naomi said she is deathly afraid of offending Muslims even if she inadvertently says the wrong thing about Islam.

Naomi's opening says it all about her palpable fear of Islam and she feels guilty about it . Therefore, Naomi attacks Elisabeth who has no fear articulating the Islamic doctrine that motivates devout Muslims to attack, intimidate, and kill the infidel, which is what Naomi fears most based on her opening remarks.

I could go on but Naomi spoke her heartfelt truth about fearing the same Islam that Elisabeth is warning the world about.

Excellent job Elisabeth!!

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I am really disappointed to hear Dr Naomi Wolf defend Islam. Forget about your argument about child marriage. Your argument that all religions had bad practices is disingenuous. Islam is doing these barbaric practices TODAY, not 500 years ago. Dr. Sabaditsch-Wolff is absolutely correct.

Your zeal to protect Judaism from similar criticisms has caused you to completely misunderstand Christian theology, especially with respect to your assertion of direct biblical support. Full disclosure: I am not a Christian, and have no dog in this fight (religion to defend).

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Thank you Naomi for a very interesting discussion. From what I understand, your guest, Elisabeth, was found guilty not of actually making a statement about the Prophet Muhammad, but of simply posing a question regarding his behaviour.

After describing what he had done, she posed the question - "If that is not pedophilia, what is" - or "what is it"?? I don't remember her exact words.

Amazing and extremely dangerous that according to the European Court of Human Rights, a person isn't even allowed to ask a question!!

These sort of laws will stifle human development and evolution.

If Muslim scholars had confidence in their faith and belief system, they should be able to answer the question without becoming defensive or offended.

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