No chance yet to inform myself on this very important matter, that obviously is biting our new masters. A weak point? to fight this ongoing whole situation we may need to get as sly as the old greeks or the people in the sagas, the rigvedas i.e. to cheat and manipulate our opponents into disaster and crumbles. To fight them with their own means, possibly? Dissidents in massmedia, in the court rooms, in the governments even to look for....
No chance yet to inform myself on this very important matter, that obviously is biting our new masters. A weak point? to fight this ongoing whole situation we may need to get as sly as the old greeks or the people in the sagas, the rigvedas i.e. to cheat and manipulate our opponents into disaster and crumbles. To fight them with their own means, possibly? Dissidents in massmedia, in the court rooms, in the governments even to look for....
I recommend Rudolf Steiner's seven lectures from November 1917 published as "Secret Brotherhoods and the Mystery of the Human Double".